Alarming news has come to us from Amir. Please, support us!

07.06.2023 10:08

Amir's mother Kenje has been diagnosed with an infectious disease, pleurisy, and can't be around her baby right now. Amir's immune system is weak, and the infection can spread to him easily. And that's deadly. Amir's aunt Dilbara has urgently flown out to visit him.


It has been 14 days since the bone marrow transplant, and now it is a challenging experience. After the transplant, Amir was suffering from dermatitis and diarrhoea. The baby was too weak. He stopped eating and drinking totally. The doctors put Amir on nasal feeding through a tube. Amir was in a bad condition for about eight days. Now it is stabilising, and little by little, the baby is eating only liquid food- porridge, special vitaminized milk given by the clinic. But of course, these vitamins are insufficient, and Amir is receiving intravenous nourishment.

Since the day of hospitalisation, the boy has been under the 24-hour supervision of doctors and nurses. Day and night, Amir is constantly under the IV drip. He only has a break for a shower, which lasts for a maximum of 30-40 minutes. The rest of the time, he is in the cot.

It is also a big problem to persuade the baby to take the medicine orally. He does not like to swallow the pills, it is complicated for him, and he cries and resists his aunt Dilbara so hard. If only his mother were with him now.


The boy is miserable that the disease continues attacking him with devastating force. He needs your support now more than ever!

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