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Amir begs doctors to stop hurting him

25.07.2023 14:00

Amir begs his mum and doctors to stop hurting him. But he is in pain from an aggressive cancer that has no intention of going away. Help! 

The little boy is only 3 years old and has already suffered a lot- he has been between life and death. Amir has acute monoblastic leukaemia, a high-risk group, one of the most aggressive types of blood cancer. The boy underwent the toughest treatment, a bone marrow transplant. The most crucial moment in treatment has come - the post-transplantation period. The child's immunity is near zero, and the slightest virus can provoke complications, so Amir must stay under medical supervision. But this requires money, which the family does not have. There is no money for a complete course of treatment, and the boy is at risk to be left without life-saving therapy! Please help Amir to reach the finish line and return home healthy!

Amir fell ill a year ago. From time to time, he began to have nosebleeds, rashes on his body, and often had a fever. The baby cried at night, he was in pain. Doctors were not immediately able to recognise the terrible disease - they treated him for acute respiratory viral infections, but the baby did not get better. 

The first bone marrow puncture did not reveal anything terrible, and the blast cells were normal. But the next one showed growth, and then the fatal diagnosis - leukaemia - appeared. 3 courses of chemotherapy did not help, and after MRI, the doctors saw that the cancer cells had already spread to the right kidney and liver.

"A severe and rare type of leukaemia, no child in Kyrgyzstan has ever survived with it!" - the doctors' words sounded like a judgement. 

The Turkish clinic Medical Park responded to the cry for help. Amir was urgently admitted for treatment and underwent a bone marrow transplant. The baby had a hope for salvation. But his life is under threat again - the treatment may be interrupted, and there is no money for the whole course. Without treatment, Amir will not survive. He risks staying in a foreign country without treatment. Please help Amir. He is desperate to live!

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