A mountaineer dedicated his ascent to Amir. "Amir, don't give up, you will win!"

25.08.2023 17:29

Our friend and volunteer of the Foundation, 36-year-old Ruslan, climbed Lenin Peak and unwrapped the Sun of Hope flag. He dedicated his risky and extreme ascent to the boy Amir, who is bravely fighting cancer. 

 Ruslan had climbed other mountains before Mount Elbrus, and Mount Kazbek, 1-2 grades of difficulty. Climbing the Lenin Peak with a 5A difficulty grade was a real challenge. According to the climber, it is like climbing Elbrus 2-3 times in a row without stopping. Unfortunately, two climbers died of mountain sickness during this expedition, and Ruslan lost 7kg in 7 days. People fell into the cracks and luckily, were saved! And on the mountain peak itself, the temperature of - 20 and gale force winds were waiting for them. Honour to the brave men who were not afraid to conquer the harsh peaks! 

This ascent became a metaphor for the fight for life. Severely ill children fight just as fiercely in unthinkable conditions. And our Amir. We wish they could reach their peak! Alive. 

The journey of the brave men who were not afraid of the harshness of the mountains lasted 15 days. Ruslan had been overcoming the passes since 30th July. In the first few days, he lost his phone and together with other climbers, he found himself in the wilderness, keeping a travel diary.

The main thing now was not to lose his life. The worst thing is to go without acclimatisation, not to wait, not to respect the atmosphere of the mountains, which can break you. One should go calmly and patiently, accepting one's fate, not agreeing to give up, fighting until victory!

Lightning was flashing, and static electricity was hitting my body. I had to switch off the camera urgently, the storm was terrible. 

One climber from Iran died on the way. He did not pass acclimatisation. And a 52-year-old teacher of a higher education institution did not survive the ascent- his heart failed. Three were walking in a bundle, and three flew into a crevasse. 

"At one of the moments of the ascent, a sharp cliff appeared on the path. I rolled, lying down with my whole body. It didn't help, and I rolled down a little at a time. I was saying goodbye to life, and then my foot found a footing, a rock...”

“Amir, I dedicate this climb to you. Get well soon. Your victory over cancer is a serious challenge. I believe you will cope. I had some hard climbs, but I had faith and kept going. I was thinking about you and the difficulties you face every day. You are a hero, and you will get through this. I’m waiting for the photos when you make your ascent in 20 years! Please believe in yourself! Everything will work out for you.” - Ruslan, 36 years old. My hobby is mountaineering.

Amazing story and such important deeds and words of support for Amir! Let's wish him a quick victory and climb to his personal peak, from where the path to a happy and healthy life will open up!

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