Send help to Sun of hope PF!
24.08.2023 06:32
We received alarming news from little Amir. Further tests showed an infection. The doctors urgently called him to the clinic and prescribed treatment. If antibiotics don't work, the boy is threatened with hospitalisation. Mum is desperate. The clinic may ask to pay for the treatment at any moment. There is no money. Amir is at risk of being left without medical care in such a vulnerable state.
Amir is only three years old. But he is already threatened by a dangerous disease. For the cancer to recede, he must be treated to the end. After the bone marrow transplant, his immunity is at zero. We ask you not to pass by the boy's story. His treatment is under threat of failure.
Amir Mirbekov has been diagnosed with an infection. We can't afford to pay for his treatment. Please, help!
Every day of Amir's life now consists of restrictions and strict medication. Sometimes, he spends the whole day at the clinic, and on other days, he is allowed to go home. Now, the boy calls a hotel his home. The boy still has a poor appetite and keeps only on a therapeutic diet. The post-transplantation period is one of the most vital stages in the treatment of leukaemia. The baby's body is weak, and he suffers from symptoms caused by the consequences of heavy treatment, side effects of medication, and reduced immunity. Therefore, it is crucial to carry out frequent examinations and analyses. The outcome and success of the entire course of treatment largely depend on how the recovery goes.
At any moment, the clinic may stop the treatment due to debts. Then Amir will be left without the last hope for salvation. Please help Amir to reach the victorious finish line!
Please help us save our son! Sultanchik is very sweet, and he will be eternally grateful for your kindness, as will we. Don't let us lose him; we love him so much! Unfortunately, we can't save him without your support." Dilnaz, Sultan's mum.
Read more ...Time is of the essence, and it is our responsibility as adults to take action! Every donation, repost in your Stories, or even a message to a friend could help save Elinochka.
Read more ...An unknown benefactor generously donated 50,000 soms for the treatment of little Elina, who is bravely battling blood cancer.
Read more ...Every three seconds, a child is diagnosed with cancer worldwide. Sultan Stambekov, Head of the Department of Children's Oncology and Oncohaematology at the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health, made this statement during a roundtable discussion on children's oncology.
Read more ...Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.
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