Amir's news: The boy's nausea and vomiting continues

06.07.2023 15:00

Amir's condition is still a constant concern for doctors. Post-transplant treatment is one of the most crucial steps in treating acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. If treatment is interrupted, there is a dangerous risk of a GvHD - when immune cells in the donor tissue recognise the patient as foreign and attack other tissues by mistake. The child needs to remain under medical supervision during this period to be able to help and stop complications in time. This is why it is essential to support Amir now and help him follow through with the treatment. We ask everyone to help pay for Amir's therapy so that he can beat the insidious disease and come back to life.

"We are taking all the prescribed medication. Every morning starts with temperature and blood pressure measurements. We have taken a chimerism test. We recently got the results, and they are good! The donor cells are 99% successful. That's why the doctors called us to the clinic today and reduced the dosage. Amir's condition is stable now, but he still needs treatment. Two days before, he had a fever. We had to take some tests to find the reason, but the results have not arrived yet. Amir still has a poor appetite. Besides, we're on a diet now. I cook food at home. Cooked food can only be eaten once, only freshly cooked. You can't eat it again, not even after two hours. Amir continues to have nausea and vomiting from smells and food so far. So I try to give him only light foods with low-fat content. We still walk a lot. We try to go out when it is not too hot because Amir is not allowed to be in the sun" - Amir's aunt Dilbar told us about the baby.

The family still doesn't have the whole sum for Amir to undergo treatment till the end. It hurts and hurts that children die for lack of money. We ask you to please pay attention to Amir's story. He may survive. The boy has already gone through so much, the transplant was a success, and there is one last push left to beat the cancer. Please support the boy and save Amir's life!

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