Cancer prevents little Amir from talking!

30.08.2023 14:02

Amir turned 3 years old just two months ago, on the 1st of July! Blood cancer confined him in a Turkish clinic. In addition to the main problem with the baby's health, the baby still does not speak, although Amir understands all the speech addressed to him.

His aunt Dilbar is worried about him and connects it with the fact that she and the boy are always alone. The aunt speaks to Amir in her native language, Kyrgyz. People around him communicate in Turkish, but he watches cartoons in Russian. We would like to believe that when Amir finally returns home, and his life returns to normal, he will start talking.

Unfortunately, this is not the only problem for the baby. Because of his illness, he is severely underweight. At a height of 90 cm, he weighs only 12 kg. But caring Aunt Dilbara tries to feed Amir every chance she gets!

Amir does not like to draw at all. He is forbidden to mould plasticine, as small particles can get into his body, and because of his lowered immunity, it is hazardous for him. Before going to bed, Dilbara tries to tell him fairy tales, but the baby refuses to listen to them. His aunt brought a book from Kyrgyzstan. Amir pretends to read this book and mumbles something in his own language. In general, he tries to be like an adult in everything! During his stay in the hospital, he got used to cartoons. That is why, at first, he turns on some fairy tale on TV, and then, before going to bed, they tell him the same fairy tale.  

Amir's mum, Kenzhe, shares her concerns with us: "I don't want to put him in the kindergarten, at least, until his full recovery. Because of this illness, it is now much more frightening to catch any infection in his weakened organism. I am pretty sure we will meet soon, but it largely depends on the results of the last tests.".

We are also concerned about this little boy, and we want Amirchik to hold on, come back to Kyrgyzstan and make up for everything! 

You can help this small but brave boy. To do this, support him on his way to health! On this great holiday, 1 September, let's make Amir happy and wish him victory! We believe he will cope and catch up and overtake his peers! Let him succeed!

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