Send help to Sun of hope PF!
15.08.2023 07:58
After a devastating battle with cancer and a complicated bone marrow transplant, the little boy is at risk of going untreated. His fate is being decided right now. If we help, he will live. Without money, there is no cure. Without treatment, there is no life. That's the harsh reality! A chimerism test is scheduled for 20 August, and the results will show whether Amir's body has accepted the donor bone marrow.
Regular analyses, lots of medications to prevent complications, hospital walls and a lot of pain - that's what every day of little Amir's life consists of. He seems to have gotten used to it, has stopped crying when he has to take tests, is not afraid of doctors and lies still when asked. Today there is a great risk that if the bone marrow does not take root, the worst might happen. The baby's immunity is at zero, and his appetite is still not recovered. He refuses to eat anything except water porridge.
Doctors are watching Amir closely, or they will risk missing the "graft versus host" reaction, a frequent and dangerous complication which occurs after bone marrow transplantation when the cells of the new immunity start attacking the tissues of the body where they were transplanted. Please help the little one to reach complete victory over cancer. Amir needs to continue treatment, but there is no money. Only your help can save the baby's life.
Please support Amir's fundraising!
Please help us save our son! Sultanchik is very sweet, and he will be eternally grateful for your kindness, as will we. Don't let us lose him; we love him so much! Unfortunately, we can't save him without your support." Dilnaz, Sultan's mum.
Read more ...Time is of the essence, and it is our responsibility as adults to take action! Every donation, repost in your Stories, or even a message to a friend could help save Elinochka.
Read more ...An unknown benefactor generously donated 50,000 soms for the treatment of little Elina, who is bravely battling blood cancer.
Read more ...Every three seconds, a child is diagnosed with cancer worldwide. Sultan Stambekov, Head of the Department of Children's Oncology and Oncohaematology at the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health, made this statement during a roundtable discussion on children's oncology.
Read more ...Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.
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