It's critical to save Amir before the cancer gets here first! Super urgent fundraising!

10.08.2023 07:27

"A severe and rare type of leukaemia, no child has ever survived with it..." - the doctors' words cut Amir's family's life in half. The only thing worse than these words is the awareness of helplessness when cancer eats a child in your arms, and you can do nothing about it.

It is impossible to imagine how Amir feels, looking into the eyes of death every day. He is too young to realise that the next day may never come for him. Mum's eyes are full of horror and fear. She didn't save him. They can’t defeat insidious cancer alone. Don't pass Amir's story by. Even a small contribution can be decisive in his fate.



Many check-ups, chemotherapy courses and the most terrible thing, bone marrow transplantation, are behind him. His parents only had enough money for the advance payment. Now the treatment is carried out in debt, and, at any time, the clinic administration can demand to pay the bill. If not, they will stop the treatment and not accept Amir at the clinic, and the bone marrow will not take root.

"My little son is screaming in pain. If only I could take away his suffering. My son has cancer. And there's no way I can help him. I have no money. I can't earn it. I only have to beg everybody to help me save my son," cries Kenje, Amir's mum.

Amir's fundraising has come to a standstill. There is nothing to pay for the treatment. Amir lives with the hope that we can save him in time. We can if we come together. If everyone reading this gives Amir a helping hand, we will close the fundraising today!

Save Amir's life!

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