Asadia's parents are grateful for your help!

20.02.2024 12:34

Thank you all for helping the little girl Asadoni, who is suffering and wants to live so much!

She was crying so hard that her face swelled from tears. Mum was crying with her. And each new block of treatment was more and more difficult. But with your help, everything changed, and the family believed in a miracle for their daughter again!

Life can change dramatically, and nobody is immune to it. During difficult times, it is crucial to help one another. Just six months ago, this family was the happiest they had ever been. Now, they find themselves in a foreign country with no support system, trying desperately to save their young daughter.

Cancer came into their lives suddenly. ARVI, fever, critical haemoglobin level, bone marrow puncture, acute leukaemia. They learned the diagnosis on 26 May 2023. The child had to be saved urgently. The time was running into hours, and having collected all the savings, the family went to Severance Hospital in Seoul. They corrected the diagnosis: acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. There were 6 stages of chemotherapy. However, the family lacked the funds for their daughter's salvation.

"There was almost no hope at home, and our girl's condition was deteriorating hour by hour, and we couldn't risk it! When I spoke to parents of children who had the same diagnosis, we realised that time was running out. We had seen other children die and could not sit back and wait for this cruel disease to take our little girl! Thank you for your support in our arduous struggle! Thank you for joining us in helping to do everything to save Asadoni!"- Asadia's parents.

Let the little beauty Asadia return home healthy and smiling again soon!

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