Asadiya dreams of getting out of this nightmare

27.11.2023 06:49

Dear Readers!!! Recently, we shared the news that little Asadiya has already started the 4th course of chemotherapy. It appeared much more complicated than the girl's parents hoped. Her body has completely weakened.

Little Asadiya is pointing her finger at the door. She dreams of getting out of this nightmare.

The tests show that her blood counts have fallen below critical levels. Leukocytes are down to 500 with a minimum norm of 4,000, neutrophils are down to 20 with a minimum norm of 2,000, haemoglobin is lower by half, and platelets are almost 10 times less than the minimum. Against this background, Asadiya caught a rhinovirus. The weak immune system could not cope on its own with this harmless for the average person virus, which caused a lot of trouble ...

Her temperature rose to 40 degrees for several days and did not fall. She was taken to the hospital. Every two hours, Asadiya was given antipyretics, injected with two antibiotics, given blood transfusions, and dripped with nutrients, as the little girl was not eating anything. She was given intravenous neutrophils and platelets.

And she was in hospital for almost a week until the professor said the peak had passed. The antibiotics are doing their job. Her temperature is no longer above 39 degrees. The baby's blood counts are still low, so she is getting blood transfusions and nutrient drips.

In general, it is very evident how tired Asadia is. Every time her mum brings her food to the hospital, she cries and asks to be taken away from there. With her hand, Asadia points towards the exit..... She hasn't been to the hospital since her 1st chemo treatment. Hence, going back for inpatient treatment was morally stressful for both herself and her parents.

Of course, the chemotherapy had to be postponed for the period of fighting the infection. She will continue to receive chemotherapy in a few days, depending on her condition. After the 4th course of chemotherapy, Asadiya will have bone marrow fluid taken for analysis, and there will be seen the dynamics of treatment. It will be clear whether the cancer is going away or not.....

This is the news about our little Asadiya. We can only wish the little girl a successful treatment and support its implementation in a faraway country.

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