Asadiya has had a seizure and bleeding! Help to rescue her!

15.01.2024 13:24

"We were scared out of our wits. We thought we had lost our girl. We called an ambulance. Ten minutes later, we were on our way to the hospital. My daughter was still unconscious. At the clinic, they put us in intensive care, connected oxygen and a lot of devices. A CT scan showed a brain haemorrhage. It happened only after a few hours that she regained consciousness..."—Asadiya's mum.

On 27 December, our enduring Asadiya completed her 5th course of chemotherapy. We were already planning to do the 6th course when suddenly, after lunch, the baby had an epileptic seizure. She suddenly turned pale, started shaking, vomiting and lost consciousness!

Asadoni's condition stabilised, and she was released home three days later. Her thrombocytes were still low, and her blood was not clotting. However, the doctors did not raise it artificially to allow the body to cope independently. Asadoni underwent an MRI and brain EEG and determined that the cancer medication, which had previously been infused into his spine, had caused the seizure.

The professor decided to remove the medicine from the plan because a new attack could have been fatal or caused a massive brain injury.

From now on, they cannot treat cancer by spinal injections. Therefore, they will change the plan and extend the treatment period.

To the family's horror, the next night after discharge, Asadiya suffered a nosebleed. The parents did everything the clinic taught, but nothing worked. They immediately called an ambulance. Soon, the bleeding stopped, and they did not go to the hospital. Fortunately, there were no more recurrences. Asadiya began to recover slowly. 

On the 9th of January, they were able to start a new 6th course of chemotherapy. It will last two months and will end only on 20 February.

The girl's condition is satisfactory now, but she looks exhausted. Asadoni is going through such a challenging journey! And she needs your support so much.... 8 months of treatment and chemotherapy have been a challenging ordeal for her. But even more dangerous is the cancer itself.

Don't let the cancer take away the life of little Asadonia. She is terrified!

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