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One-year-old Aslan can't beat cancer without a bone marrow transplant!

05.02.2025 19:05

"Today marks the second day of chemotherapy for Aslanchik. Yesterday, we had additional bone marrow analysis done, and we are currently awaiting the results. On Thursday, there will be another check-up with an ophthalmologist due to some eye-related issues," Aslanchik's mother shares with us.

The baby is experiencing vomiting and poor appetite again, and he is quite irritable. These symptoms are all side effects of the toxic medications being used to keep his cancer in check. Unfortunately, without a bone marrow transplant, he will have little chance of battling this deadly disease. However, his parents do not have the funds needed for the treatment.

Friends, please help Aslanchik’s parents in their fight against aggressive leukaemia.

"Recently, the results from the first puncture have come back. The doctors reported that while the results are not bad, they cannot confirm that Aslan is in remission. Since there are still blasts (cancer cells) present in his system, transplantation is not an option at this time. As a result, the decision was made to conduct another puncture. 

Initially, we were optimistic that everything was progressing well and that a second round of chemotherapy would not be necessary. However, the results from the second puncture indicated that chemotherapy is still required. Aslan will undergo chemotherapy for five days and will receive the medication in tablet form, delivered through a feeding tube. This method is a significant relief because Aslan refuses to take his medications orally.

A donor has already been found for Aslan, and now the clinic is waiting for the final remission and payment of the bill.

Please help our son recover! He is the most precious gift we have, and we cannot interrupt his treatment because the cancer cells could grow back. The thought of losing our baby forever is unbearably painful. We are desperate to save our Aslan! We are doing everything we can, but we just can't manage alone. Shared Aslan's mom.

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