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Aslan Azheipov

Diagnosis: Blood cancer. Acute myeloblastic leukaemia

Needed: Treatment and bone marrow transplant (BMT) in Acibadem (Turkey)

3 298 $ 27%
12 000 $

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Baby Aslan's mom is pleading for your help!

Aslan is a smart, funny, and adorable baby. At just 1 year and 7 months old, he knows more than 20 words, can turn on cartoons on the tablet, and identifies animal sounds—he knows how a cow moos, a cat purrs, a snake hisses, and a dog barks, and he can cheerfully repeat all of them. Aslan's favourite word is "Where?" because he is curious about everything in the world and eager to learn and explore. His whole life was ahead of him, but now everything is uncertain.

His life could be cut short at any moment! Aslan has been diagnosed with blood cancer, OML. Without your help and support, this brave little boy may not survive…

The initial efforts to save their beloved baby began in their homeland of Kazakhstan. The doctors of the Institute of Paediatrics in Almaty treated the baby. At that time, the doctors hoped that after the first round of chemotherapy, the eye tumour would shrink and the redness would diminish. Unfortunately, the body's response to the treatment was not positive. Following the first chemotherapy session, severe complications arose, causing the baby's second eye to swell. This case was both atypical and severe.

The head of the department informed the family that, given their son's age and the protocols of the medical centre, Aslan might not be able to endure a sufficient number of chemotherapy treatments. The best decision in their situation would be to fly abroad immediately to save their son.

Desperate, the parents hurried to explore options for saving him, fully aware they were running out of time.

After a long and unsuccessful search for treatment, they were informed about the Asibadem clinic in Turkey. Miraculously, they managed to raise all of Aslan's blood parameters and urgently flew to Istanbul.

So far, Aslan has undergone two courses of chemotherapy in Turkey. After the first treatment, his blast cell percentage increased from 1.4% to 11%. The doctors at the clinic informed the family that Aslan needed a bone marrow transplant due to the risk of relapse. There is still hope for Aslan, but the surgery is very costly.

For the family, saving the baby is an enormous challenge that the parents cannot support financially. They pray for help and place their hope in you, merciful and kind people!

Aslanchik is certain that he is seriously ill because he becomes very upset when he is not allowed to go out into the corridor. He looks sadly at the street and says, "Gee, Baoooo." Like any toddler confined within hospital walls, he is quite bored in the ward. He often plays with water on the table, and when he spills something, he blames it on Baur (his daddy, whom he misses very much). Aslan's favourite toys include cars, a plane, and a thermometer, and he is also fascinated by the soap dispenser.

When Aslan is hurt, he always calls for his dad, Baur. He is a compassionate and sensitive little boy who is strongly attached to the people and things he loves. Since infancy, Aslan has had a favourite blanket he will not share with anyone and cannot fall asleep without. However, the most precious things in his life are his family and his life, which he cherishes deeply. Please help ensure that he doesn’t lose any of these important aspects! May this brave and kind boy have a long and happy life ahead!

"Please help our little son recover! He is the most precious thing we have, and we can't interrupt his treatment because the cancer cells could grow even more. The thought of losing our baby forever is unbearably painful. We desperately need your help to save Aslan. We are doing everything we can, but we can't cope alone. Sincerely, Aslan's mom."

Help save baby Aslan from cancer!

They need help