Global EURO organised a conference in Chisinau

16.05.2024 12:09

Dina Makarenko, Director of the Sun of Hope Foundation, participated in the St. Jude regional conference in Chisinau, which took place on 25-26 April in the capital of Moldova. The St. Jude Global Alliance is a worldwide movement in the field of pediatric oncology, uniting people and institutions with the common goal of improving the quality of medical care and increasing the survival rate of children with oncology and blood diseases globally. The theme of the conference was "Joining Forces for Scientific Advancement." Sixteen foundations from 11 countries took part in the conference, and the Sun of Hope Foundation was among the invitees. During the conference, there was group work where representatives of clinics and foundations shared their experiences and discussed possible research topics. The Sun of Hope Foundation group focused on palliative care and the role of early integration of palliative care services in pediatric oncology to enhance symptom management, communication, and end-of-life care.

Representatives from various foundations shared their experiences in the field. For instance, Irina Bordenau, a representative of the Moldovan foundation "Life without Leukaemia," discussed the establishment of the "School for Mothers of Children with Leukaemia" project and how to ethically and effectively engage with parents of children with cancer.

On the same day, there was an excursion to the children's department of the Institute of Oncology in Chisinau. During the visit, participants toured the laboratory, where they were shown the equipment and informed about their work and areas that require improvement or additional resources. The excursion also included a visit to the children's department, where attendees could see the treatment rooms, wards, classrooms, and the kitchen. They also had the opportunity to speak with mothers of sick children, who expressed immense gratitude for the support provided by the Moldovan Foundation "Life without Leukaemia".

On the second day of the conference, there was a training session on applying for grants. The session covered crucial points about why to apply for the grant, what you need to know, and how grants can improve the quality of life and medical care for young patients. Representatives from clinics and foundations shared their experiences, providing tips on taking the first steps in this field for those who have yet to participate in grant applications.

"The meeting was both exciting and useful. Conference participants had the opportunity to meet colleagues, speak with oncologists, and discuss new opportunities for collaborating on helping children with cancer and their parents. "We gained many useful contacts and ideas for developing our activities. The conference itself was very encouraging. I would like to express my gratitude to the St. Jude Global Alliance for the invitation and for organising everything at the highest level. I'm also thankful for the warm welcome from the representatives of Moldova!" - Dina Makarenko shares her impressions and gratitude.

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