Asadiya is a little girl from a blissful family who has lost everything to cancer

15.09.2023 15:35

We have a new ward, a little girl from a blissful and beautiful family who has lost everything to cancer. The young parents were raising a son and two little daughters. And then they found out that the little girl had cancer. Little Asadiya will not be able to survive without treatment, which costs a huge amount of money and torment…

Asadiya is a cute and charming little girl who adores her mum and loves to do everything with her. She loves to play doctor and play with cars. She has made friends with the doctors, and their friendship is mutual. But Asadiya realises that she is seriously ill and experiences it very painfully. She struggles endlessly. Asadiya got sick on 21 May 2023 while staying with her grandmother in Temirtau. Her parents thought it was a common acute respiratory infection because of the high fever and lethargy. Usually, the flu passed on the third day, but this time, the temperature did not go down, and the poor little girl had an unhealthy swollen belly. Mum and Dad called an ambulance.

Further things developed rapidly and fearfully. 

"Grief came into our home when it was not expected. Nor could we have imagined it in a nightmare. 26 May was the worst day of our family's life.

The fight for the life of our youngest daughter began. Unfair fight, a difficult one. We would be truly grateful if you could help us. You are doing a noble deed, helping children to defeat cancer. May the Almighty allow you to help as many people in need as possible! We ask you to help as much as you can! It is of the highest importance for us now to save our daughter! We have two children back home who miss their parents and sister very much. We do not have enough money to pay for treatment.

Please help us to save our little girl! She is only 2 years old, she wants to live, be happy and smile! Asadiya's mum. 

Baby Asadiya wants to live! Please save her!

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