Nurlan Latypov has been examined. Disturbing news!

09.09.2023 07:51


Mum's news:

"On 1 September, Nurlan had an examination in another city. We travelled for 9 hours. The baby tolerated the road well. He only asked all the time when we would get there. He was very eager to meet the doctors. Unfortunately, his favourite surgeon was on holiday. Nurlan was not confused and said: "Let's go to his home then". The examinations showed that as long as his heart was working stably, they did not touch the therapy because it was the therapy that gave such results! But they advised us not to delay the operation. We have an arrhythmia in addition to the defect. Therefore, we should monitor our son's condition regularly and strictly take medication. This is the only way we might have a chance to survive until the saving operation. Please help us," writes Ilzira, Nurlan's mum.

Her mother is dreadfully awaiting the onset of autumn cold weather, which always causes Nurlan's condition to worsen. His cyanosis worsens: his arms, legs, fingers, and lips turn blue. This is due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. The baby's deadly heart disease can only be cured by surgery, which costs a massive fee. The young Latypov family has no financial means to pay for life-saving treatment for their son.

Unfortunately, there is no time for long fundraising. Heart abnormalities at any moment can lead to tragedy.

We ask everyone not to pass by and extend a helping hand to the boy. Only together we can come to the aid of the kid in time. Any help is crucial. Thank you for being with us and supporting little Nurlan!

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