Mum's news: Asadiya's blood count collapsed

16.11.2023 06:04

Baby Asadiya has completed the first block 4 of her chemotherapy treatment. Her blood counts have plummeted, and she has been given a break to recover. The therapy is hard for the girl, and her body is on the edge. Another terrible obstacle has arisen - the family has no money to pay for the treatment. 

"Because of hormone therapy, my daughter has developed an unhealthy appetite. She eats until she feels sick. But even when she feels bad, she still asks for food. We started restricting her food, which caused her to have incredible tantrums. She cried a lot, and I cried with her. The baby doesn't understand why she wants to eat all the time. The only thing that calms her down is the swings at the playground. 

The doctors have also warned us that the upcoming block will be even stronger than the previous one. The readings will drop further. We are trying our best to maintain personal hygiene standards. We treat everything on the playground with an alcohol solution, disinfect the room twice a day, and wash toys.

It's been 162 days since we started treatment. 162 days of pain, despair and tears. Constantly under stress and pressure. It's like living on a volcano. We have watched neighbouring children in the guest house deteriorate dramatically. It's scary.

It's been 162 days since the older kids have been away from us. We miss them very much, and we have video calls every day. It is hard for everyone, but for the sake of saving our Asadiya, we have to be strong. 

Six months ago, we were a happy family, but now we are away from our older children in a foreign country, trying to save our little girl. We thank you again for your concern for us! Thank you for not abandoning us, for giving us faith. Without your support, we will not cope."  writes Asadiya's mother. 

The situation is complicated. The treatment of Asadiya would stop without payment. Then, cancer will not give a single chance for salvation. Please support the fundraising!

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