Mum's news: Ayazhan is back on her feet after surgery!

12.04.2024 11:22

Friends! We always feel nervous when we receive updates from the children we support, and we are happy to hear some positive news for a change. We can't wait to share today's news from Ayazhan!

Treatment is helping, but it is too early to relax, and fundraising efforts are still needed.

Ayazhan, a beautiful young dancer, was diagnosed with Sarcoma. Her parents knew they had to act fast and didn't delay even for a couple of weeks. They realised that cancer could take over if they didn't make the right decision. Without waiting for the May holidays to pass, they took Ayazhan to the Severance clinic in South Korea, where they specialise in sarcomas and know how to deal with them. The parents took emergency holidays and loans to start their daughter's treatment immediately. However, they were unaware that one of the most insidious types of cancer, osteosarcoma, had already affected the child's femur.

An urgent operation was performed to remove a hip tumour and transplant a part of the damaged femur. The girl underwent several courses of chemotherapy both before and after the operation. Finally, after almost a year of treatment, Ayazhan was able to stand up! She had been in a plaster cast for 11 months and had little to no movement. But with the help of a walker, she can get up and start walking.

She had been eagerly waiting for this moment! Despite her condition, she had been busy reading, sewing, drawing, collecting pictures, and studying. She had been doing everything she could to keep herself occupied, and now she felt a real breakthrough! Even though the tests were still disappointing, and she needed blood transfusions and continued chemotherapy, Ayazhan felt the taste of life once again. Spring had also peeked through the hospital window of her ward to rejoice at the success of the wise and patient girl!

We are overjoyed to hear such great news! It was possible due to the help of many kind-hearted people who were touched by Ayazhan's story and contributed to the fundraising for her treatment at the Seoul hospital. Although the girl's treatment is ongoing, these initial steps bring hope and confidence that Ayazhan is on the right path to finding her health and will successfully overcome any challenges ahead.

The next course of chemotherapy, which was supposed to start on 7 April, was postponed to 18 April due to low indices. A microsurgery to replace the chemo port is scheduled for 17 April, and hospitalisation- is for April 16.

The girl still needs our help and support. Let's support Ayazhan to help her through this challenging time!

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