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A new fundraising announcement! Answer Aliyah's plea for help!

20.11.2024 11:38

Aliya is a very cheerful, friendly girl. She loves to sing, dance and smile. She has a special attachment to her soft toys, often placing them next to one another in the hospital whenever she feels scared as if they are sharing her pain and comforting her.

Her blood cancer is hard to treat. Often she can be found colouring pictures in silence, gazing sadly out of the window and dreaming of one thing: recovering and returning home alive. Please help save little Alia!

A new fundraising announcement! Don't let cancer take the life of sweet Aliya! Answer the cry for help!

On the 17th of May, Aliya's family heard the verdict: Leukaemia. The girl started treatment in Kyrgyzstan, in the paediatric oncohematology department. Then the parents brought Aliya to the clinic named after Dr. Rogachev. But, unfortunately, Aliya's body did not respond to this treatment. The family decided to continue further treatment in India. There Aliya underwent immunotherapy and was able to go into remission.

She is scheduled to undergo a bone marrow transplant (BMT) soon. But it needs to be paid for. The family can’t cover the cost alone, because the amount is huge!

The girl's parents are urgently calling for help! Save Aliya!

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