New fundraising: Little Nurlan is fighting for life. Please support!

09.08.2023 18:04

Breathlessness, arrhythmia attacks - his heart rate skyrockets to 200, medication by the hour and fear in his mother's eyes for her baby's life...  Such is the life of the family of little Nurlan, who began his fight for life before he was born. A congenital, deadly heart defect threatens the child's life. He can be saved if he undergoes surgery immediately to correct the heart defect. The first stage is over, and the final part is ahead. Nurlan is already expected in Berlin. Doctors are worrying, as time is running out when the operation is still possible. But his parents have no money to pay the clinic bill. Nurlan is losing his health and his last hope every day. Please help!



Little Nurlan is now 3.5 years old. He has already undergone 3 heavy open-heart surgeries. Mum remembers every moment in bitter detail: how he lay all alone in the intensive care unit and played with a medical glove, and mum was not even allowed to take him in her arms and comfort him, how he was covered in wires and sobbed inconsolably, how he suffocated again and again.

Chances were not given for a long time, but in March 2022, local cardiologists reported the possibility of radical correction of the malformation. But the life-saving surgery is not done at home, and the family went to Germany for hope. Thanks to the help of concerned people, they managed to pay for the first part of the correction in September 2022. Nurlan underwent a complex surgery, which lasted 9 hours. Ahead is the final step, for which the family already has no money.

"All we have is a small one-room flat. But even if we sell it, we won't even pay half the cost of the operation. And without it, my Nurlan cannot survive. As I am writing this, tears are rolling down my eyes. I don't know how to ask. But we desperately need your help!" - Nurlan's mother cries out to everyone.

The child needs one last operation to live, and they are waiting for him at the German Charité clinic. The family has no money! With your support, Nurlan will be able to live a healthy life. Help mum and son escape from the horror!

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