Little Nurlan dreams of becoming a tractor driver

18.08.2023 14:14

The baby has a complex combined heart defect. Because of the deadly disease, Nurlan's blood oxygen saturation is only 84-86%, while it is 100% for healthy people. It is difficult for him to breathe, he can't run, and he gets tired quickly. From the slightest activity, the boy's lips start to turn blue, shortness of breath appears, and his hands and feet become cold.

In addition to the defect itself, Nurlan also has arrhythmia, which requires strict attention. Every day he takes medication by the hour, and if he misses even one appointment, it can end in an attack - when his heart beats at 200 beats per minute. Due to poor blood circulation, his whole body suffers. And Nurlan lives on pills which is the only way he can hope to survive until he undergoes a life-saving operation, which costs a lot of money.

"Nurlan dreams of becoming a tractor driver. When we go outside, he starts looking for his favourite vehicle. If a tractor passes by, it is great happiness, and if it works nearby, we can stand for hours and admire it. The kid loves to go to his grandparents in the village, and all day long, he spins the wheel of the neighbour's tractor. He says that he will grow up and will become a tractor driver. At such moments I cry because if there is no operation, my boy will be gone, and his dreams will be in the past. Please help us," Nurlan's mum asks for help.

Germany is ready to correct Nurlan's heart defect, but the operation costs a lot of money. The time when surgery is possible is running out. Already in autumn, the boy is expected in the clinic. Help to cure Nurlan's little heart!

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