Omina is living a life of waiting for a bone marrow transplant

26.03.2024 04:41

Omina's condition remains complicated with symptoms like nocturnal fever, stomatitis, herpes, loss of appetite, weakness, and nausea. After her third round of chemotherapy, she was prescribed antibiotics.

Omina has a complicated case of double cancer: biphenotypic leukaemia, a type of acute leukaemia in which the blast cells have features of both acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and acute myeloblastic leukaemia.

After some additional tests, a review of the treatment plan will take place. The lack of funds for a bone marrow transplant is causing concern for Omina's future, and her mother is desperate.

"It's spring outside, and the weather is getting warmer. Omina would love to go out into the sunshine, play with other children, and take a walk. However, due to her condition, these simple pleasures are forbidden. Sometimes, she doesn't even have the strength to get up. My daughter has a very uncommon type of leukaemia. It's such a terrible disease. It feels like we are trapped in a maze with no clear path to escape. The only escape is through money. The cost of saving my daughter's life is high. Please, help us by opening this door and rescuing my daughter!" - Dilafruz, Omina's mother, appeals to everyone.

It's difficult to see children suffering from illness. Their tears break our hearts as we watch them spend their childhood in hospital beds. These innocent boys and girls, as pure as angels, should not endure such pain and hardship. It's unnatural and unfair. Let's support Omina in opening the door to a healthier future for these children. Together, let's warm their hearts with our kindness and generosity.

Dear helpers, time passes quickly, and we must act fast to assist Omina. Let's work together to help her as soon as possible.

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