On the 11th of January, we mark International "Thank You" Day

11.01.2024 13:19

The International Day of "Thank You" is marked today, 11 January!

Friends! Who remembers, or maybe recently read with your children, the kind book "The Magic Word" by Valentina Oseeva?

The unlucky hero, offended by every member of his family, meets an old man in the park on a bench. And, on the advice of this wise old man, he decides to use the "magic word" in communication with each relative. This word, and indeed, magically changes the relations, which had been spoilt. Well, it is rather habitual and even trivial "thank you"!

There are different versions of the origin of the word "thank you". From appearing in the 16th century in the dictionary address to the pagan god "Thank God" to the first attempts to bring out the phrase "Thank God" in everyday speech even protopope Avvakum.

But, above all, the truly magical meaning of this word, can be put on par with the foundational Love and Gratitude! That is why the impact of the word "thank you" on the human body is so strong. After all, expressing and receiving gratitude and appreciation normalises the hormonal background, increasing the production of the so-called pleasure hormone, oxytocin, and improving the psycho-emotional state of the body.

The Head of the Sun of Hope Foundation, Dina Makarenko, also joins the celebration:

"I express my most sincere gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has been with us over the past year, to everyone who continues to try to do good together with us! These are our wonderful benefactors, these are our responsive volunteers, and these are all the people who care, thanks to whom the thread of goodness continues to grow and continue to grow and play with the most beautiful colours, lights and musical shimmers! You have helped and are helping dozens of seriously ill children. Your support helps them to get treatment, gifts, and joy! Thank you all for your participation! Thank you for what you are, for being together!"

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