After a course of chemotherapy, Ayazhan was diagnosed with pneumonia!

18.06.2024 05:30

At the end of the chemotherapy course, the little girl had to stay in the hospital for another five days because she was diagnosed with pneumonia, likely a side effect of the chemo. The doctors prescribed antibiotics for her. She was running a fever, and her mood was very low. She couldn't eat anything. Her mother shed tears looking at the poor child who had suffered so much.

In the last two days, Ayazhan's condition has stabilised a little bit. She will undergo further examination and tests, which will incur additional expenses. Unfortunately, the girl's family has no money for further treatment. Stopping the treatment means losing their beloved daughter forever.

The girl has sarcoma, which is one of the deadliest types of cancer. Ayazhan has already undergone an operation, and as a result, she cannot walk at all. Soon, they will receive an invoice for the work of the orthopaedic surgeon who will be working on the girl's leg.

"I pray to the Almighty to help my little girl! I can't help her in any way, only a mother's prayer. Help, I pray you. May the Almighty thank you for your sadaqah! I know that your kind hearts will not pass by my little girl's misfortune. Please help her to heal!" - Ayazhan's mother.

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