Does little Asadiya deserve to suffer?!

21.09.2023 13:02

Asadiya is a sweet and kind little girl, but cancer takes her from this life. If we don't rush to help, she can't be saved! She desperately needs your help now. Tomorrow may be too late for her, and we need many more kind people to fight for her. Where can a helpless little girl find them?!

There are three children in the family: a son and two daughters. And cancer wants to steal one of them from their parents. RAK came suddenly. The fever has risen several times. The baby's stomach swelled up. It became clear it wasn't the flu. Mum and Dad called an ambulance. The baby was taken several tests, and the results alarmed the doctors. Asadiya ended up in the intensive care unit, where they gave her a blood transfusion. The mum began to panic. The critical haemoglobin level and the results of bone marrow puncture (33% blast cells) left no hope: it was acute leukaemia. 

The parents realised that precious time was running out, and a child with a similar story had died just before their eyes. The family flew to Seoul, and their little girl was hospitalised at Severance Hospital the next day. There, she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and started treatment.  

Cancer has dealt a cruel blow to the most precious thing, their little daughter, so help the parents save Asadia! The treatment is helping, but the family lacks the funds to pay for it. 

"Before our eyes, other babies were passing away. It was so painful to see it! We could not wait for this cruel disease to take our baby! We are asking for your support today! Please help us save our little girl! She is only 2 years old, she wants to live, be happy and smile!"- Asadiya's mum.

Help baby Asadiya to survive!


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