World Compassion Day, WCD

28.11.2023 09:58

28 November is World Compassion Day, a time when it is so important to help those around us. Children waiting for their turn for medication and treatment in the Time to Help programme are hoping for your support! 

Giving a smile, opening and warming hearts, being compassionate, making the world a better place... Compassion is not only a feeling but an action, first of all! 

The little ones in the neighbourhood hospital need urgent help, and each of us can do it! To help, just print and stick it on the information board at the entrance, work, or school/nursery. Children must live! And helping them is the duty of the heart of each of us! 

Link to the leaflet:

Even today, they are waiting for our help in the oncological department of the National Centre for Molecular Oncology:

Aileen Tolondueva, 2 years old. She needs anti-tumour medication Daunorubicin, MRI, and MRD diagnostics.

Borubaeva Alina, 10 years old. MRD diagnostics are required.

Rakhmanova Madina, 6 years old. MRD diagnostics are required.

Asanov Barsbek, 2 years old. MRD diagnostics are required.

MRD diagnostics allow the detection of cancer cells even when the little patient is in clinical and haematological remission. Accurate diagnosis allows one to change the treatment tactics and avoid relapse in most cases. 

 "Compassion is a bright ray of the eternal human spirit that pierces the darkness of selfishness and separates us from indifference. In its embrace, the true essence of humanity is revealed, where the mirror of selfless concern for others reflects not only our human dignity but also the harmony of humanity."

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