Amin Adilov

Thanks to your support the child is already 12 years year old

Diagnosis: Cancer, retroperitoneal neuroblastoma, stage 4, ultra-high-risk group

Needed: Treatment at Sant Joan de Deu Hospital (Spain, Barcelona)


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By the end of spring of the present year, a situation was critical for Amin. He ran out of money to pay the clinic bills. The treatment was put on hold, and the boy went home for the holidays. He was supposed to return to the clinic at the end of July, but the collected funds were not enough even for examinations. The trip was postponed until September. However, it was impossible to close the fundraising, even by this date. The hospital authorities met Amin's needs once again and invited him to attend the examinations without any payment. At the beginning of autumn, our beneficiary came to Spain with his mother. We followed the situation with great anxiety. After all, so much has already been passed. Let's remember what the boy had to go through.

Cancer in Amin's life appeared in 2019. First, the boy had a stomach ache and a fever, and nothing could relieve it. Examinations revealed a terrible disease. It was at this difficult time that the father left the family. It was a double blow for the boy. But he pulled himself together and survived the most challenging treatment:

- courses of chemotherapy, including high-dose chemotherapy;

- surgeries;

- MIBG therapy;

- bone marrow transplants;

- radiation therapy;

- 12 courses of metronomic maintenance chemo.

Alas, this was the end of his treatment in his home country because they could not defeat the cancer. He was refused immune therapy at home, as there were still active tumours. Doctors of the Spanish clinic Sant Joan de Deu took up the challenge of saving Amin. After many courses of immunotherapy in Spain, Amin went into long-awaited remission. However, the boy is in the ultra-high-risk group, and the doctors decided to complete the therapy with a course of DFMO tablets, which have shown positive results in the treatment of neuroblastoma in high-risk children.

Thank you for supporting Amin. It is nice to know that people are ready to help and lend a helping hand in our difficult times. Thank you for your compassion. We wish Amin a successful completion of treatment, a speedy return home and many more years of life!

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