Akhmet is alone in this world against Cancer. Father is gone. Become his support!

19.09.2023 12:33

Little Akhmet Omurbekov fell ill with a deadly disease. Oncology came to the family. The little boy felt lonely for a long time. From the age of six months, his mother had to work to survive. And after three years came the disease. Now, the little boy is facing death with his diagnosis. He has no support because his father abandoned his son, having decided that fighting is useless and that cancer is more powerful.

And only his mother continues to work from the last strength to support the family and save her child. Support Akhmet! It's so hard and painful for him!

Akhmet was born on 5 March 2018. He is the third baby in the family. Mum alone is selflessly raising three children, a girl (8 years old) and two boys (7 and 5 years old). The illness that Ahmet had to fight resembled the flu at first, and only later, it became clear that everything was much more severe and scary. Akhmet had a fever in the evening, but during the daytime, he spent his time cheerfully, as he always did. He was running, having fun and had no idea what he would soon face. His body began to bruise, and his legs began to fail.

The boy was getting worse every day, and he and his mother went to the polyclinic to the paediatrician, immediately taking a general blood test. From the polyclinic, the little patient was sent urgently to Dzhal Hospital, where he was immediately hospitalised based on the results of the tests. 

Just imagine that even in the general blood examination there were 90% of cancer cells.

On 24 February, his mother heard her son's terrible diagnosis. He was diagnosed with L-variant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, a high-risk group. After the examination, the doctors prescribed daily drips, which went on continuously for the whole week. That time, luck was on Akhmet's side despite the speed with which the disease was winning. After 6 months in the hospital and all the efforts of the medics, Akhmet went into remission.

"It was frightening when the relapse happened. And the doctors said that only a bone marrow transplant would help. They don't do it in our country and can't help anymore. We started looking for clinics and charity funds. Complications started: stomatitis, fever. Akhmet feels very bad after chemotherapy and sometimes ends up in intensive care. At this moment, we are in Turkey at Medical Park Hospital and are preparing for TCM. I pray that one of my children will become a donor because otherwise, the amount will be even higher. I can't do it myself, and I can't save my son! That's why I asked for people's help to open fundraising.

We have been through a lot and now are so close to recovery. But without you, a miracle will not happen. Please help! "- Akhmet's mum.

For this surgery on bone marrow transplantation, I need to urgently find a huge amount of money, which a single mum with many children simply does not have. She loves her baby very much, and she remembers her ex-husband's words like a knife to her heart: "Why take him here and there? Cancer will kill him anyway!" Her loving mother did not let it happen and did not surrender to the insidiousness of the disease nor the indifference of man.

Her Akhmet is also growing up with character! And loves justice very much! His favourite hero is Spider-Man. And also the heroes of the cartoon film "The Three Cats". Maybe the kid saw an ideal family with three children, but the kittens in the cartoon have a caring father. The boy is a cat lover, treating these animals with awe since childhood. He also has a cat at home and takes great care of it! Ahmet's main dream is to become a policeman.  This job reflects his desire to fight for the truth.

We would like to see this good boy's dream come true. Moreover, we want to believe that he will become a support for his selfless and loving mum.  But for this, he needs to undergo the necessary treatment and TCM surgery.

Help Akhmet to survive! Now he and his mum need real human support and participation!

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