Cancer doesn't allow little Akhmet to eat

25.01.2024 14:34

It looks like such complicated stages of treatment are over endless chemotherapy, high-dose treatment, and BMT (bone marrow transplantation). The cancer seems to be receding, but the boy has to seek medical help at the clinic almost every day. Side effects are plaguing the child.

Now, the cancer does not allow little Akhmet to eat. Help!

After the bone marrow transplant, the baby had complications, then kidney, then liver, then spots and itching on his body. He is very tired of the "side effects" and constant crying. In addition, the baby has changed a lot in appearance. Because of hormones, hair appeared on the child's face, his face swelled, and his lips became swollen. 

And now Akhmet has very painful ulcers all over his mouth and lips. Everything is sticking together and hurts. Because of hormonal treatment, he wants to eat very much, but the inflammation of the oral cavity does not allow him to eat - it hurts a lot. Recently, Mum brought her son to the hospital so that the doctors could find out the cause of these ulcers. Tests were done for herpes and stomatitis. It turned out to be a fungus. The boy was prescribed additional medication. 

Nurzat's strength is running out, and she can no longer hold back her tears. She and Ahmetik are anxious to see their relatives and to be at home, to escape from the hospital and at least gain some strength. Bone marrow tests are expected soon. We will find out whether the stem cells of the baby brother have taken root in Akhmet's body. 

Now, the main thing is to endure, to undergo all the treatment till the end for the sake of the baby's life. And for this, Mum and Akhmet need not only willpower but also our support. There are no funds for the treatment of their son. Let's together chase cancer out of the boy's life!

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