Money is lacking, treatment is reduced, and Akhmet is suffering!

21.11.2023 12:23

Akhmet has a recurrence of blood cancer. After a bone marrow transplant, the boy is suffering from side effects and his family is unable to pay for the treatment. The hyperbaric oxygenation treatments had to be cancelled. The family did not have enough money for the complete course. As a result, out of 20 prescribed treatments, Akhmet received only 10. This procedure at least helped Akhmet to stop itching and to sleep. 

Akhmet Omurbekov

Diagnosis: Cancer. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, L-variant.

Needed: TCM (bone marrow transplantation) in Medical Park Clinic (Turkey)

The fundraising amount: $10,000.

The graft versus host reaction has taken a huge number of lives, and without medical support, Akhmet simply has no chance. 

The baby now has a very changeable mood. He hardly sleeps at all, scratching and crying all over. Doctors have removed the antihistamine. They say it is not an allergy but a side effect of the bone marrow transplant. In addition, Akhmet's teeth began to hurt badly. 

Nurzat and her son go to the hospital every day for check-ups. She is exhausted and wants to return home as soon as possible. Brother Erzhan and sister Aidana miss Akhmet very much at home in Kyrgyzstan. They badly miss their mum, as even before she needed to go to Turkey with Akhmet, they could hardly see her. Nurzat was always working in Russia. They are used to being with their grandparents on their mum's side. 

Please be merciful to this family and little Akhmet!

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