Akhmet had a BMT. The baby is struggling to recover!

19.10.2023 14:07

Dear friends! You are very worried about our beneficiaries and ask about the condition of little Akhmet, who recently underwent a bone marrow transplant. We share news about the boy's health condition.  

The transplantation was performed at the Medical Park clinic in Turkey. Akhmet's aunt Elisa, who is in touch with the child's family, said: "Thank God everything went well. The doctors are generally satisfied with Akhmet's condition. Only the baby could not sleep at all at night. He has severe pain when urinating, and his scrotum is very swollen. His digestion has not yet improved. The boy had diarrhoea or constipation, but it was like that every time after chemotherapy. The main thing is that there is no fever, and the side effects are normal, it can be worse. There are dark spots on the baby's skin. But the doctors warned that this could happen. Erzhan, Akhmet's brother who became a donor, is also fine. Only his lower back hurts. We all hope very much that there will be no serious side effects. Now we can only wait and pray!"

As of yesterday, 18 October, Ahmet's condition was good. The most important thing is that the internal organs have not changed. Examination of the kidneys, liver, and heart showed that everything was normal. The analyses are also good. Only still painful to the point of tears severe pain when urinating and swelling of the scrotum. Doctors explain it by the side effects of the surgery. The boy also has a tummy ache. The baby slept well for the first two days, but for the last couple of days, he hardly slept. Sometimes, he just cries, sometimes because of stomach pains. 

Today, on 19 October, Ahmet did not sleep all night. He is suffering from stomatitis and intestinal pains, and the worst thing is that he is bleeding when urinating. The doctor has not come yet, and they are waiting for him. The family is still very much struggling with the issue of payment. Although the clinic has made concessions and decided to carry out BMT in debt, so that all the efforts were not in vain and they did not have to do new chemotherapy, the money must be paid urgently.

Our kind contributors! You regularly ask how Akhmet's family is going through this challenging period and how the child is doing. That is why we have created a separate group where we report on his struggle in more detail. Please join!

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