"Why struggle?! Cancer will kill him anyway!" Akhmet's dad

22.09.2023 12:28

Acute leukaemia was a death sentence just a few years ago. But nowadays, it is possible to beat this ominous diagnosis. This requires a bone marrow transplant (BMT), not available in Kyrgyzstan. And it is very expensive abroad...

At first, the diagnosis of the baby was taken for flu, and when the boy's condition began to worsen, a blood test was done, which showed 90% of cancer cells! During a week, Akhmet was given round-the-clock drips in the hospital, where he was urgently hospitalised. And even though almost the whole body was at the mercy of leukaemia, Akhmet went into remission! But cancer often returns to the bodies of its victims.....

The relapse wears the child down daily and hourly. Akhmet has a chance to survive! TKM, which is ready for him in an Istanbul clinic! His brother is a 100% match! That means the boy can be saved! But it needs money! 

The baby's life now depends on us! Any transfers will go towards Akhmet's life-saving operation! Doesn't anyone in this world, except for a single mother with three children, who is selflessly fighting for him, care about him? After all, there are people whose hearts light up everything around them, lighting up others with love! Each of them wants to make this world even a little bit better! And if you are here, then you are one of these people!

Little Akhmet loves Spider-Man and police films because he dreams of this profession and values justice above everything else! Is it fair to let such a little man die?!

Let's all save him together!


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