The treatment plan for Danis Khamidov has been revised

17.05.2024 12:13

The fundraising for Danis' therapy needs to be quick, as stopping it could be dangerous for his life. The doctors had to change the treatment plan once again. Danis will need to undergo high-dose chemotherapy before the bone marrow transplant, which will have to be carried out immediately afterwards. But there is a significant obstacle. His parents can’t pay the clinic's bills. They cannot obtain BMT on credit as it is too expensive. It is a critical situation. Danis' life depends on you and us. Please help him to survive!

The treatment plan for Danis Khamidov has been revised. We urgently need help!

Not every adult can endure what is happening to little Danis. Since 2021, a disease has prevented him from living a single day without pain. He has undergone more than 80 courses of complicated treatments, including chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiotherapy, as well as two major surgeries. The treatment he needed was not available in his home country, and he was only able to receive timely help from doctors at the Medical Park Clinic, which saved his life. However, due to a lack of money, he now risks being left without treatment and ending up on the streets.

"Danis is supported by his faith in God, his family, and people who believe in him. He misses his dad and younger brother very much. Danis often talks to his dad on the phone. During the conversation, they like to discuss cars. Danis has a large collection of Hot Wheels cars. They talk about cool cars from the films "Fast and Furious" and "Transformers". Danis also often communicates with his little brother. Perhaps his brother's laughter is one of the few things that can make Danis laugh. Danis misses his little brother very much. When he got sick, the baby was not even a year old. It's hard to hold on and believe when everyday life is on the brink, but we are trying in the name of saving our son.

Please help us to save our son" - Danis' mum appeals to everyone.

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