Emergency Alert! Danis' condition after the transplant is critical!

11.06.2024 07:56

After the initial bone marrow transplantation, Danechka requires continuous medical monitoring due to complications. He has been unable to eat for over ten days and is currently receiving nutrition through an IV drip. Danechka's blood counts remain dangerously low, and he requires regular transfusions for his survival. With his immune system compromised, any infection could be life-threatening for Danechka. It's crucial to continue his treatment, and we need to settle the clinic's bill promptly, as the first stage of the transplantation was carried out on credit. The deadline for payment is fast approaching.

Emergency Alert! Danis' condition after the transplant is critical!

"Danis is undergoing treatment according to the international protocol, which involves a two-stage transplant process. Following the initial stage, he will receive high-dose chemotherapy to effectively eliminate the cancer cells, increasing the likelihood of no recurrence. My son is exhausted, has significantly lost weight, and lacks the strength to even stand and talk. Naturally, he wants to recover soon and return home. He only glimpses summer through the hospital window. Unfortunately, we have not been discharged to a temporary home yet as our condition is too critical. The most concerning aspect is that we may stay without assistance during this challenging time. We may not receive treatment for an extended period due to mounting debt. Please, kind people, help us. Your support sustains our hope, will to fight, and belief that we can still save our son. Don't abandon us!" - Appeal from Danis' mother.

Our kind and most merciful people, let us grant Danis the happiness of living. Let us unite in one strong chain of goodness!

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