Breaking news! Danis has undergone the first stage of a bone marrow transplant on loan.

28.05.2024 10:23

After seven days of high-dose chemotherapy, the doctors had to make the only right decision - to start the first stage of bone marrow transplantation. The pause could have ended in tragedy, so the clinic's administration again met Danis' needs and provided expensive treatment on credit. In the name of saving a child's life! Can we let down a boy who believes in our help and waits for us? Now, it is tough for Danis as his body is at the limit, exhausted by a severe illness and cancer. Do not abandon him. Please help him to get out of the clutches of death.

"Danis is experiencing weakness and constant nausea. His leg is very sore. He underwent a muscle response test, and the results showed high elevation. As a result, the doctors decided to prescribe muscle pain medication. Following high-dose chemotherapy, they infused stem cells. The doctors closely monitored Danis for an hour and a half, and thankfully, there were no adverse reactions. The doctors are concerned that a reaction may appear in 3-4 days, and we are praying for a positive outcome. Now, it's very essential to note that 10-15 days after the transplant, my son is experiencing severe nausea. We are worried about the unpaid bill for the BMT and fear that we may not be able to afford it, which could disrupt Danis' treatment. It's my worst nightmare. The second stage of the transplant is approaching, and we cannot proceed with it if we are in debt. We are appealing to the public for help." - Danis’ mum appeals to everyone.

One of the essential moments in Danis' treatment has arrived, upon which his entire life hinges. If the boy remains untreated now, his weakened body may not be able to handle the consequences. Help Danis survive!

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