
Danis Khamidov passed away
15 Jul 16:33

We express our sincere condolences to Danis' family and friends. We are deeply distressed and sympathise with you all.

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A sad birthday. Bring hope to Danis!
21 Jun 08:21

Danis is 7 years old today. And this is the third birthday spent in the hospital room. He can't be happy. Danis is very sick and can't even eat. After the...

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Emergency Alert! Danis' condition after the transplant is critical!
11 Jun 07:56

After the initial bone marrow transplantation, Danechka requires continuous medical monitoring due to complications. He has been unable to eat for over ten...

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Breaking news! Danis has undergone the first stage of a bone marrow transplant on loan.
28 May 10:23

After seven days of high-dose chemotherapy, the doctors had to make the only right decision - to start the first stage of bone marrow transplantation. The...

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The treatment plan for Danis Khamidov has been revised
17 May 12:13

The doctors had to change the treatment plan once again. Danis will need to undergo high-dose chemotherapy before the bone marrow transplant, which will have...

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Danis Khamidov's therapy may have to be stopped. Please Help!
08 May 15:49

Danis condition is still alarming, and doctors are constantly adjusting his treatment plan to prepare him for a bone marrow transplant. Although the therapy...

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Drawing of the Day: Danis Khamidov paints in the hospital
24 Apr 05:36

A true spring has come to our beneficiary's heart: birch trees have blossomed, the forest is green, the bird chorus is singing and the river is flowing....

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Do you recognise the boy in the photo from before he got sick?
18 Apr 13:23

The boy was a successful tennis player, loved playing with his brother, and dreamed of going to school. However, a disease has disrupted his happy life and...

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Give Danis the chance to live on Nowruz!
20 Mar 05:16

Nooruz brings hope and inspiration to people. Danis loved this holiday a lot, and before his illness, he always helped his mum with cleaning and cooking and...

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Danis has some news to share. The highly anticipated BMT is going to be postponed.
09 Mar 04:46

Our brave friend is fighting for his life for the third year with the help of your support. Here's an update on his treatment.

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Danis is burning up with cancer. His treatment is failing. No money left!
29 Feb 15:26

The case is urgent. The boy in a foreign country is in danger of being left on the street without treatment. Preparations for a life-saving bone marrow...

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Danis Khamidov would like to congratulate all the men on their special day!
23 Feb 05:28

23 February is now a national holiday that embodies strength of spirit and courage. This holiday has become a symbol of nobility, courage, and the...

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The metastasis is going away. Danis must not interrupt treatment!
30 Jan 08:41

Danis is balancing on the edge because of the metastasis. The doctors have had to administer high-dose ICE chemotherapy together with immunotherapy.

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A story that cries out in fear of losing her son
18 Jan 13:54

The boy's condition is challenging. The mum is in despair, doesn't sleep 24 hours a day, and tries to reach out to hearts that care about her son in the hope...

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The condition of Danis has worsened. A new cancerous foci in his head!
10 Jan 05:53

Danis understands everything and is very upset by the news, so his mum only gets in touch with us from the hospital corridor. She tries to support her son to...

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Danis asked Father Frost for health. Give him the gift of life!
02 Jan 07:27

Danis wanted to record a New Year's greeting for his supporters. He is looking forward to his fundraising closing. Then he will be able to undergo treatment...

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