The metastasis is going away. Danis must not interrupt treatment!

30.01.2024 08:41

Danis is balancing on the edge because of the metastasis. The doctors have had to administer high-dose ICE chemotherapy together with immunotherapy. At the same time, he is receiving radiotherapy for his head—a very complex treatment plan. But Danechka is a hero, hanging in there and continuing to fight. The treatment helps, and the metastasis from his forehead goes away. But the clinic can't treat him in debt. They ask him to pay the bill. The fundraising is still in progress, and we are anxious that we may be late and Danis will not receive treatment.

Danis Khamidov's news: metastasis is leaving, and the treatment should not be interrupted in any case!

The terrible diagnosis in Danis' life appeared when he was 4 years old. For a long time, doctors could not understand the cause of the boy's poor health when examinations showed oncology. Neuroblastoma had already started its poisonous roots - metastases. Daniska's condition was so critical that he could not sleep because of the extreme pain. The parents found a life-saving treatment in Turkey, but they had neither money nor property to sell to struggle for their little son's life. The remaining funds from the sold property were enough only for the beginning of treatment.

Neuroblastoma is too insidious and aggressive, playing its cruel game, striking blow after blow. High-dose chemo aimed at metastasis hit Danis' condition. His platelets dropped to 11 when normal values should stay at 150! Capillaries began to burst, and an infection was discovered. A course of antibiotics was prescribed again. The treatment plan is adjusted every day, and this is the only way to keep Danis' condition stable.

The doctors managed to stabilise the boy's condition. Blood counts have stabilised. Now, Danis is receiving combined chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy. Treatment should never be interrupted. Cancer has already broken the boy's life, but there is still a chance to save him. For this, we need your help.

Help Danis to complete his life-saving treatment!

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