Askhat Mavlonov
Diagnosis: Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (Cancer).
8-year-old Askhat bravely fights a serious illness. We wish him a speedy recovery and return home!
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Umut Abdybekova
Diagnosis: Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
Little Umut's childhood is spent in hospitals. She has been battling a terrible disease for over a year. We wish...
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Umar Abdurazakov
Diagnosis: Cancer. Glioma of the optic nerves, chiasm, and optic tracts.
As part of the "For Life" program, we payed Umar's consultation at the Scientific and Practical Center for...
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Fraser Hakim
Diagnosis: Сerebral palsy, mixed form
Hakim was born on 18 April 2017 in Bishkek. The birth was so complicated that about eight medics gathered around...
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