Do you recognise this person we want to tell you the news about?

12.03.2024 05:33

These photos were taken when she was still healthy, and her smile was like spring... And now she's slowly fading away from two types of cancer at the same time.

It all started with dizziness and back pain. Who would have thought then that it was a scary diagnosis? She had just started school, another school year day, textbooks, education. Then, suddenly started to get sick, and her white blood cell count dropped to an extreme level. The treatment didn't help. She underwent a bone marrow test when her muscles were already sore. It showed terrible things: two types of leukaemia. The girl needs BMT, but it can only be done abroad and at great expense. Mum is unable to rescue her life.

On the 6th of March, she finished the third course of chemotherapy. The little girl has no appetite at all, and as a side effect of chemo, stomatitis has appeared. Her condition is otherwise acceptable. Now, doctors are monitoring the girl's condition, and when her leukocytes stabilise, the bone marrow will be taken for MOB tests. Depending on the result, it will be clear whether another course of chemotherapy will be needed or if it will be possible to go for a bone marrow transplant.

In any case, there is very little time left for fundraising, and the amount for BMT is huge. 

This beautiful girl misses her school and classmates badly and constantly asks her mum when she can return to her classroom. Before her illness, the girl was the best student in the class. The girl loves to study. The hospital has a school with sensitive and caring teachers. Knowing this, the little girl has asked to attend classes, but because of her low leucocyte count, the doctors did not allow her. Yesterday, finally, she was allowed to attend classes. It will somehow brighten up Omina's stay in the hospital. Her teacher often calls from her school, and together with her classmates, they record a video with wishes for a speedy recovery.

Do you recognise whose news we want to share with you?

If not, take a moment to read her story, which you will find on our website. Get to know the girl in desperate need of help, and maybe she will fall into your heart, and you will also support her with a donation. She will never forget it and will carry in her heart gratitude to those kind people who allowed her to resist the disease and survive. 

Please be generous and support a child in need!

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