Ayazhan has just finished a five-day chemotherapy course

02.04.2024 08:35

Ayazhan is suffering from oncology, and she is holding on with all her might. Help! 

Mum's News:

"Ayazhan has just finished a five-day course of chemotherapy, and now she has been discharged until the next course, which is scheduled for 7 April. Her daughter has no appetite at all, but her mood is slowly recovering after the hospitalisation.

The other day, Ayazhan had some medical tests and appointments with an oncologist and an orthopaedist. Unfortunately, all the indicators were low, so the daughter had to receive a transfusion of blood and platelets again. During the appointments, it was discovered that Ayazhan's chemotherapy port was out of order and needed to be replaced with a new one. However, the replacement procedure is considered a microsurgery, which must be done under anaesthesia. The orthopaedist reviewed the scans and recommended a wheeled walker for Ayazhan to carefully develop her leg. Ayazhan is struggling with standing on her feet and needs to re-learn how to do so. She is facing one difficulty after another.

The doctors have agreed that the next round of chemotherapy should be completed by April. Afterwards, the body should be given a month's rest, as the chemotherapy can interfere with the full recovery of the bones in the patient's leg. Following the chemotherapy, the girl will undergo a general MRI on May 31st. Based on the outcome of the MRI, the further treatment plan will be adjusted accordingly."

The clinic requests prompt payment. We ask you to help Ayazhan to overcome the disease and return home.

Last spring, her leg suddenly became ill. The examinations revealed a tumour. A fracture worsened the situation. In her home country, they started to talk about amputation of the leg, but even if this operation could not be carried out in the shortest possible time, they suggested signing up for a quota. Ayazhan's condition worsened every day. Her parents had to take out their daughter for treatment in South Korea, where there was a successful experience in healing osteosarcoma. But their money was only enough to start the treatment.

Help Ayazhan get out of the clutches of death!

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