Bring on the brightest chapter of Omina's life!

23.05.2024 13:08

The 4th course of chemotherapy was challenging for Omina. Her leucocyte count dropped dramatically and could not lifted. The poor thing had a constant fever, sometimes up to 40 degrees Celsius. And she didn't eat anything at all. At this moment, the mother was in despair as her little girl was in pain, especially in her legs.

The results of the M.R.D. study should come back soon. The further treatment plan depends on them.

Omina has completed four rounds of chemotherapy. The girl is holding on with her last bit of strength. Both she and her mom had to stay in the hospital for some time under observation. They were disappointed to learn that due to the low level of white blood cells and worsened side effects of the treatment, the doctors could not immediately allow them to go for a long-awaited break.

Now, Omina and her mom live in a rented flat in Bishkek. It's difficult to compare it to returning home to her native Jalal-Abad, but the girl is quite happy to have this change of scenery and the opportunity to get away from the hospital.

The girl is exhausted from daily tests and injections and remembers the hospital with a shudder. She starts crying if there is talk of going back. Now, her mood has improved for the first time in a long time, and, most importantly, she has an appetite!

Let's unite to support Omina until victory! We believe everything will work out positively in her life, but she needs your help to overcome all the challenges. 

Give Omina a helping hand!

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