Let's start the week with charity! Please help seriously ill children!

09.09.2024 12:16

Hey friends! Let's start the week by spreading empathy and sharing our positive energy. Your donations will make a huge difference in the lives of our beneficiaries by giving them a chance to overcome terrible diseases. These children face a daily battle for life, enduring immense pain and eagerly awaiting the mercy of compassionate adults to come to their aid and save them.

Little Myrza suffers from brain cancer. His condition deteriorated rapidly after coming back home. To start life-saving treatment for their son, his parents had to sell their house and car. Unfortunately, the treatment is now in danger of being disrupted. If there is no money to pay for the therapy, Myrza will be left without help and will lose his last hope for survival.

Help Myrza to defeat the terrible disease: https://sunofhope.fund/need-help/satkan-myrza.

Little Zhanna is only 4 years old, but she has already endured inhuman suffering. She is currently in the hospital battling blood cancer and urgently needs a bone marrow transplant. However, due to financial constraints, she is undergoing prolonged and painful courses of chemotherapy. The question remains: how much longer can her body withstand such toxic treatment?

Time is running out when Zhanna can still be saved. Help! https://sunofhope.fund/need-help/mirbek-zhanna.

Omina's condition is critical. She was unable to undergo a bone marrow transplant in time due to a lack of funds. She has been diagnosed with neuroleukemia, a complication of leukaemia. Without treatment, her days are numbered.

Emergency fundraising is needed! There is no time to wait.https://sunofhope.fund/need-help/omina-abukayimova.

Ayazhan has been diagnosed with one of the most aggressive types of cancer, osteosarcoma. In her home country, the only treatment offered was amputation of her leg, but this surgery had to wait while her condition rapidly worsened. In South Korea, she was able to receive treatment that saved not only her life but also her leg. At the finish line, there was nothing to pay for the treatment.

Support Ayazhan: https://sunofhope.fund/need-help/aiazhan-iskendir.

The condition of our children is critical. Stopping treatment poses a huge risk. Let's start the week with acts of charity and help the kids! Even though we can't save everyone, we can save many more by at least trying!

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Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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