On Daughter's Day, let's help little Ayazhan!

25.04.2024 12:49

Daughters' Day is a relatively new holiday that may not be familiar to everyone. It is not yet as widely celebrated in our country as in other parts of the world. However, it is a great opportunity to express love and appreciation to your daughters of all ages. You can use kind words, give them gifts, and remind them how much you care about them. And the value of these gifts will be measured only by the amount of love involved in them.

Therefore, we encourage everyone to make a kind gesture on this day, especially those who do not have daughters of their own. Let's make a sincere gift to a wonderful girl named Ayazhan, and show her how much she is loved and appreciated!

On Daughter's Day let's help little Ayazhan!

Ayajan is the beloved and only daughter of her parents. Unfortunately, she is currently battling an aggressive form of Osteosarcoma. The disease has already caused substantial damage to her leg and continues to pose a threat to her life. Ayajan's parents are doing everything in their power to ensure their daughter's health and happiness. They want her to continue enjoying time with her friends and pets and pursue hobbies such as sewing, painting, and dancing.

Their tireless efforts were successful during Ayajan's treatment period in South Korea, as her leg was saved. However, the family is still fighting to save Ayajan's life.

Treatment of the aggressive tumour cannot be stopped. But instead of being able to pay for it, the parents have only debts for several five-week courses of chemotherapy, surgery to remove the tumour and replacement of the part of the girl's femur bone, eaten by sarcoma, with a donor's bone. 

You can help continue Ayazhan's rescue, giving her the gift of life on Daughter's Day along with her parents.

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