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"Solar Nutrition" has been delivered to the NCMCH! Thank you all!

01.11.2023 15:12

Friends, we are happy to share good news! Our Foundation has purchased and delivered Nutrien therapeutic food to the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health. Your help within the framework of "Solar Nutrition" allowed us to send 18 boxes of Nutrien Standart Fiber, 11 boxes of Nutrien Fort, 19 boxes of Nutrien Standart, and 18 packets of Nutrien Standart for nutrition in the intensive care unit. It is a great support, and the little patients are very grateful to you for it!

Treating child cancer is a very challenging journey. Young patients receiving aggressive treatment for cancer are unable to eat regular food. Unfortunately, this naturally weakens their bodies. The already fragile babies become weaker, and it is complicated for them to recover. Nutritional support in such difficult circumstances helps to increase and maintain weight, support the prescribed therapy, and improve the body's response to treatment. It is crucial and valuable that you and I have been able to assist them, and we hope to continue to do so! 

"The head of the department, Sultan Amangeldichevich, expressed his gratitude for the support, hoping for systemic cooperation. That's why we decided to open a programme called 'Time to Help' to help the hospital. We hope that together, we will be able to achieve great results in preserving and strengthening the health of children in our country. After all, this is the main task not only for the family but also for the whole society," Dina Makarenko, Director of the Sun of Hope Public Foundation, shares her plans.

Unfortunately, hospitals do not always have funding to purchase expensive and efficient medicines, so the choice of medicines available at the hospital is quite limited. Many families cannot buy the necessary medicines on their own, and they need them because during the treatment, side effects are not uncommon, and cancer itself can be fast and unpredictable. In such cases, help must be urgent and regular.

During the first year of the Foundation's work, we have jointly provided targeted assistance in paying for complicated and expensive treatment and medications to 30 children, both in Kyrgyzstan and abroad. The National Centre for Maternal and Child Health regularly holds master classes, prints information brochures for parents, buys medicine and special nutrition and pays for expensive diagnostics of minimal residual disease, which is not included in the list of free services. We are happy that we have been able to do so much together and are honoured to continue this essential and kind mission. We want every child to be able to get the medications and diagnostics they need on time.

We would like to say thank you once again for being with us! Without you, we would not have realised all these steps!

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