
Kind stories. "Thank you, Doctor!"
11 Aug 08:01

Kindness, mercy, and concern for others create the foundation of human happiness. A person who does good to others feels happy. Our story today is about this.

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It's critical to save Amir before the cancer gets here first! Super urgent fundraising!
10 Aug 07:27

Many check-ups, chemotherapy courses and the most terrible thing, bone marrow transplantation, are behind him. His parents only had enough money for the...

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New fundraising: Little Nurlan is fighting for life. Please support!
09 Aug 18:04

Breathlessness, arrhythmia attacks - his heart rate skyrockets to 200, medication by the hour and fear in his mother's eyes for her baby's life...  Such is...

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Hurray! David Kolesnikov will be able to continue his treatment
08 Aug 20:12

Friends, we are very excited to share the excellent news with you - David's fundraising is closing. The boy's parents have informed us that a kind wizard,...

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"My name is Milana. I'm 12 years old, and I have cancer. I'm terrified!"
08 Aug 13:00

​​​​​​​That was how our beneficiary Milana Dereberya began her letter. The girl has been trying to defeat the terrible disease for several years. She is in...

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We appreciate the help of the company "SINTES"!
07 Aug 15:00

We are happy that every day we are making more and more friends. Today we are pleased to introduce our new partner - Bitumen Terminal “SINTES” LLC.

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Kind stories. Forest hut
04 Aug 12:00

Friends, here comes August, the last month of summer. The days are rolling towards September, the nights towards stargazing. Apple smells. Heavy branches...

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Amir's blood counts are still not getting back to normal
03 Aug 16:00

The baby is going through a complicated post-transplant period, which requires close attention from doctors. The heavy treatment and the blows of a dangerous...

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The fundraising for the treatment of little Eva is closed
03 Aug 08:16

Thanks to your support, the treatment of Eva is not interrupted. We hope she will have a main victory ahead of her - her cancer will recede forever. 

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Saving Agathe's life is all about money
02 Aug 11:00

Agathe's treatment has stopped. There is no money. The therapy must go on to prevent the disease from relapsing.

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Jamilya Khassenova's fundraising is on fire. The treatment is failing
01 Aug 14:00

At ten years old, this is her second time fighting for her life. The insidious disease has pulled back, only to return. It has relapsed. This time, the...

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David Kolesnikov News. Chemotherapy is going on with side effects
31 Jul 12:00

​​​​​​​David is very tired of being sick. He wants to go home as soon as possible. But it is too early to talk about it. Doctors fear for the boy's...

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Kind stories. Cherish love and your loved ones.
28 Jul 12:00

We wish you a wonderful weekend. Let it be more unexpected and friendly meetings and new opportunities, and let problems and worries disappear. Continuing...

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Jamilya Hasenova is receiving radiation therapy.
27 Jul 12:00

For now, Jamila's treatment continues. But the money on the account may soon run out, and the question of stopping the life-saving therapy will arise. It is...

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Little Eva has new check-ups to undergo
26 Jul 11:00

The baby continues to undergo a one-time course of chemotherapy. The doctors will further adjust the treatment plan after new tests. They say the tumour has...

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Amir begs doctors to stop hurting him
25 Jul 14:00

Amir has acute monoblastic leukaemia, a high-risk group, one of the most aggressive types of blood cancer

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Start the week with kindness by donating to help children
24 Jul 13:00

We offer to make Monday the kindest Monday ever by sending any amount to support the Sunny Meals Project. Even the smallest donation can make a difference -...

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Kind stories. The music of the old house
21 Jul 13:00

Our whole life consists of moments. It is so desirable that they would be only happy! They say that the present moment is the best. And it always has its...

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Agathe's future is being decided right now. Urgent fundraising!
20 Jul 13:00

The clinic can't go on borrowing money. Right now, the girl's fate is being decided. Agatha's future depends on our participation in fundraising, and if she...

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"Why don't they notice me? Is it because I'm a grown-up?"
19 Jul 11:00

Milana is awake at night in pain. Her mum sits by her side and prays. The fundraising is going very slowly, almost standing still. But the cancer doesn't...

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Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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