
Milana's only had her first course of antibodies. There should be five...
08 Sep 11:45

Our Milanochka has embarked on a new path of war with her main enemy - cancer! It has deprived the girl of her health, and then she and her mum of their home...

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Today is World Charity Day
05 Sep 06:33

In honour of the holiday, we have collected TOP 5 interesting facts from the lives of famous people

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You helped! Fundraising for Amir Mirbekov is closed
04 Sep 11:21

Friends, we are happy to announce that your kindness helped to close the fundraising for Amir's treatment! Recently, a mountaineering climb was dedicated to...

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Help Jamilya go back to school!
01 Sep 14:36

Jamilya is sad. Today, her classmates went to the 5th grade. She longs to be among them again. Alas! Cancer has closed her in the hospital for a long time...

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Dina Makarenko wishes Happy Knowledge Day!
01 Sep 08:00

The 1st of September is an exciting and joyful day when elegant schoolchildren walk with bouquets towards new knowledge and are happy to see their friends...

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"Hello, school!" Agathe is so excited about the classes and the school!
31 Aug 13:38

How long the girl will stay in school, whether she will be able to finish it, whether she will have a future depends on us!

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Dear Kyrgyz people, we congratulate you on Independence Day!
31 Aug 10:55

On this day 32 years ago, the Declaration of Independence of our Republic was approved. Since gaining independence, our country has gone through many...

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Cancer prevents little Amir from talking!
30 Aug 14:02

In addition to the main problem with the baby's health, the baby still does not speak, although Amir understands all the speech addressed to him.

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Nurlan dreams of getting well and going to kindergarten
29 Aug 08:16

Nurlan is an active and friendly boy. He dreams of making friends to visit each other. The little boy asks every morning to be taken to kindergarten.

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Milana is dreaming of returning to school. Cancer is in her way!
28 Aug 12:05

Here come the final days of the beautiful summer period. And with the arrival of autumn, the main worries and excitement are connected with the new school...

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A mountaineer dedicated his ascent to Amir. "Amir, don't give up, you will win!"
25 Aug 17:29

Our friend and volunteer of the Foundation, 36-year-old Ruslan, climbed Lenin Peak and unwrapped the Sun of Hope flag. He dedicated his risky and extreme...

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Amir Mirbekov has been diagnosed with an infection
24 Aug 06:32

We received alarming news from little Amir. Further tests showed an infection. The doctors urgently called him to the clinic and prescribed treatment. If...

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Every day of Jamilya Khassenova's life is on the edge
23 Aug 11:36

The chemotherapy was cancelled last week because of very low blood counts. We were all concerned that cancer cells might start to grow because of this. Every...

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Help! The cancer is taking the girl apart
22 Aug 14:15

The exhausted girl is facing five courses of chemoimmunotherapy. They're incredibly hard to bear. Cancer beats mercilessly! When Mila asks her mum how long...

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Support the Sunny Nutrition Project, and give children the chance of a painless life!
21 Aug 14:01

Specialised nutrition plays a crucial role in the treatment of complex diseases. Parents of seriously ill children often ask us to purchase therapeutic food...

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Little Nurlan dreams of becoming a tractor driver
18 Aug 14:14

The baby has a complex combined heart defect. Because of the deadly disease, Nurlan's blood oxygen saturation is only 84-86%, while it is 100% for healthy...

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Nervous system cancer is attacking Agathe. Please, help!
17 Aug 11:52

"Your daughter may not survive the chemo" - the doctor began the story of little Agathe's struggle with this phrase. The condition of the little girl was...

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Save Jamilya! Without our help, she will lose her life to cancer
16 Aug 13:36

Mum and daughter face each day in a foreign country with the hope that they will not be "thrown out" of the hospital. They have nothing to pay for their...

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3-year-old Amir continues to fight bravely against cancer. Please support him!
15 Aug 07:58

Doctors are watching Amir closely, or they will risk missing the "graft versus host" reaction, a frequent and dangerous complication which occurs after bone...

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Your likes and reposts can save a child's life
14 Aug 08:25

Many people mistakenly think that charity is the duty of wealthy people. Although good deeds are closer. We can save children's lives even without money....

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