
6 October is World Smile Day
06 Oct 10:00

Dear friends, today is the perfect occasion to smile at each other and the world around us - World Smile Day. By starting the day with a smile, we make a...

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Good news! Nurlan Latypov's fundraising is now closed
05 Oct 10:00

Nurlan's story united an incredible number of people - by joint efforts the fundraising is closed. Dear donors, you are amazing, thanks to you Nurlan will...

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Asadiya received the last dose of her third course of chemotherapy therapy
03 Oct 13:15

It has been 120 days since the little girl has been on treatment in Korea. Asadiya is very tired... The hospital staff have advised mum and dad on how to...

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2 October - International Doctor's Day!
02 Oct 13:57

Our dear doctors, selflessly and tirelessly helping people all over the planet! Today, we want to congratulate each of you on your professional holiday and...

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From Heart to Heart
29 Sep 10:59

From Heart to Heart - on International Heart Day, give your help to little Nurlan

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The family is anxiously awaiting the results of the examination
27 Sep 13:16

Mum can't pay! Is it the end... The family is waiting with horror for the results of the examination. The child has been fighting cancer for many years, and...

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Start your Monday off with kindness! 10 kindness ideas
25 Sep 06:04

"Monday is a hard day." "Monday's children." "I guess their mum gave birth to them on Monday..." So many unflattering opinions about one day of the week. And...

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Happy Kyrgyz Language Day!
23 Sep 05:59

Dear friends, we sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the State Language. The outstanding poet and public figure of Kyrgyzstan Togolok Moldo said: "The...

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"Why struggle?! Cancer will kill him anyway!" Akhmet's dad
22 Sep 12:28

Acute leukaemia was a death sentence just a few years ago. But nowadays, it is possible to beat this ominous diagnosis. This requires a bone marrow...

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Does little Asadiya deserve to suffer?!
21 Sep 13:02

Asadiya is a sweet and kind little girl, but cancer takes her from this life. If we don't rush to help, she can't be saved! She desperately needs your help...

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Jamilya Hasenova's treatment plan is being changed
20 Sep 14:21

We wrote last week that Jamilya's condition had worsened. Doctors conducted additional examinations. The results showed that the chemotherapy did not help....

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They stopped Amin's treatment. The cancer is attacking. Please help!
20 Sep 07:03

Amin has a high-risk cancer of the nervous system. It's a desperate situation! There's no more treatment in his home country. Spanish doctors have done the...

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Akhmet is alone in this world against Cancer. Father is gone. Become his support!
19 Sep 12:33

Now, the little boy is facing death with his diagnosis. He has no support because his father abandoned his son, having decided that fighting is useless and...

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"Sun of Hope" is accepting applications for assistance
18 Sep 15:52

The public foundation's mission is to help those who ask for a helping hand. Unfortunately, it is impossible for any foundation to support everyone, but we...

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Asadiya is a little girl from a blissful family who has lost everything to cancer
15 Sep 15:35

The young parents were raising a son and two little daughters. And then they found out that the little girl had cancer. Little Asadiya will not be able to...

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New fundraising: Help Amin save herself from Cancer!
14 Sep 07:11

“There is no time to wait. If treatment is delayed, the cancer could deal a devastating blow from which my little boy will never recover. His peers are now...

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Jamilya Hasenova's condition worsened
13 Sep 07:02

No sooner had Jamilya been discharged from the clinic than she found herself there again. The girl's toe became very inflamed. Now, the doctors are figuring...

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Urgent! Here comes some disturbing news from Agathe, who has cancer...
12 Sep 11:27

The girl is not eating at all. The clinic has postponed the date of her complete check-up. And that's why mum is very worried about it.

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Kind school stories
11 Sep 07:21

The best school memories are connected with my physics teacher Rimma Ivanovna. She would run around the classroom and shout: "I'm a molecule! Here I am, and...

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Nurlan Latypov has been examined. Disturbing news!
09 Sep 07:51

Her mother is dreadfully awaiting the onset of autumn cold weather, which always causes Nurlan's condition to worsen. His cyanosis worsens: his arms, legs,...

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