
“The Sun of Hope” smiled on little Camila!
18 Jul 13:00

Dear followers! We have one more reason for joy, which we are happy to share with you.

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The cancer will kill David without your help. It is dangerous to postpone treatment!
17 Jul 14:00

The fundraising is going at a disastrously slow pace. We run the risk of not getting there in time. Please respond to David's plight.

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Kind stories. A sick heart that survived against the odds
14 Jul 15:00

Kind stories. A sick heart that survived against the odds. Our world lacks good news and kind stories. We decided to fix it, and we continued to publish...

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Milana has been diagnosed with active cancer cells again. SOS!
13 Jul 13:00

Cancer has reactivated again. Immunotherapy helped Milana, and the girl survived for over a year and a half without chemotherapy. But now they are changing...

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"Don't leave me, I'm so scared," Jami begs for help
12 Jul 15:00

The disease started with suspected appendicitis, has turned deadly and is trying to take Jamili's life. The family has no money to continue the treatment....

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News from David Kolesnikov. Treatment must not be interrupted!
11 Jul 15:00

We have received some disturbing news from David. His condition does not allow him to interrupt the treatment. The boy has received three various chemo...

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A rare type of cancer has attacked little Eva's delicate body
10 Jul 14:00

The little girl is only two years old. She has spent most of her life trying to survive- to defeat a rare type of cancer. Her childhood consists of hospital...

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An Amazing Story of Kindness. Insight
07 Jul 15:00

We wish there were more kind and happy people in the world. We don't notice the beautiful world surrounding us in our hustle and bustle. Let us stop and look...

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Amir's news: The boy's nausea and vomiting continues
06 Jul 15:00

Amir's condition is still a constant concern for doctors. Post-transplant treatment is one of the most crucial steps in treating acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

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Without your help, сancer will kill Jamilya. Urgent fundraising!
05 Jul 15:00

The mother of 10-year-old Jamilya has contacted us. Her daughter has relapsed liver cancer, hepatoblastoma. The treatment costs a lot of money, and the...

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New fundraising! Agathe is at risk of not receiving treatment. Please, help!
03 Jul 14:00

Today we are opening an urgent collection for little Agata's treatment. The little girl is struggling for life and dreams of coming home.

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We are launching a new project "The Box of Courage"
21 Jun 09:36

Friends, we invite you to contribute to our new charity project, which we have created to support seriously ill children who need to stay in hospital for...

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We are now closing on Polina Kukina's fundraising. We are grateful to everyone!
16 Jun 13:28

Our lives are full of meaning when we notice kindness and share the warmth of our hearts with those in dire need of support. These kindhearted people rallied...

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A new fundraising campaign is now open! Milana and her mum are here to appeal to you
16 Jun 11:43

Every day of 12-year-old Milana's life becomes a struggle for the right to live. Cancer has been attacking her for four years and trying to take her life. ...

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David is getting ready to reinduct and is wearing a plastic shoe!
12 Jun 06:27

There were two ways to continue the treatment of David. The first was a final course of chemotherapy. After that, the boy will undergo supportive therapy for...

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Stories of kindness. The impossible is possible.
09 Jun 16:53

Sundays! He was very lonely since the last boy in his room had recently gone to the clouds. The little boy, despite his terrible diagnosis, was not suffering...

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Representatives of the famous Medical Park Clinic visited the Sun of Hope Foundation
08 Jun 17:36

Dina Makarenko, Director of the Sun of Hope Foundation, met with representatives of the international network of Medical Park clinics, Vera Chamliolu and...

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Alarming news has come to us from Amir. Please, support us!
07 Jun 10:08

Amir's mother Kenje has been diagnosed with an infectious disease, pleurisy, and can't be around her baby right now. Amir's immune system is weak, and the...

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We are grateful to the administration and students of Gymnasium 26!
06 Jun 16:57

Recently, Tanzilya Djetisbaevna Samanchinova, deputy director for educational work at grammar school No. 26, came to our foundation. The students collected...

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Curious Hakim started a course of Bobath therapy!
03 Jun 15:30

Dina Makarenko, Director of the Sun of Hope Foundation, visited the Baby Health Centre. She did not go there empty-handed but with gifts for the bright and...

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Help children have a future

Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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